Imune System

immune system is a system of biological protection of outside influence by special cells and organs in an organism. ika's immune system is working properly, this system will protect the body against bacterial and viral infections, as well as destroying cancer cells and other foreign substances in the body. If the immune system weakens, its ability to protect the body also decreases, thus causing pathogens, including viruses that cause colds and flu, can develop in the body. The immune system also provides oversight of tumor cells, and inhibition of this system has also been reported to increase the risk of some cancers. immune system function: 1. It protects the body from disease-causing invasion;? destroy & eliminate microorganisms? or a foreign substance (bacteria, parasites, fungi, and? virus, and tumors) that enters the body 2. Removes dead tissue or cells or damaged? for tissue repair.? 3. Recognize and eliminate abnormal cells The main target: bacterial and viral pathogens Leukocytes are the main immune cells (in addition to plasma cells, macrophages, and mast cells) Immune Response Stage: 1. Detect & identify foreign objects 2. Communication with other cells to respond 3. Recruitment assistance and coordination of response 4. Penginvasi destruction or suppression? Defence is the body 2, namely: 1. Non-specific, natural or already in the body (carriage) is the leading body's defense against microorganisms called nonspecific because it is not directed against specific microorganisms include: a. Physical defense: skin, mucous membranes, respiratory cilia b. chemical defense; material secreted airway mucosa, sebaceous glands of skin, kel skin, ears, HCL acid in gastric fluid, lysozyme released by the macrophages to destroy germs grams - with the help of complement, sweat, saliva, tears and breast milk (Against bacteria gram +) c. humoral defense - Complement and help activate the phagocyte destructive bacteria and parasites (destroy the cell membranes of bacteria, kemotaktik factor that directs macrophages to the bacteria, bound bacteria on the surface of the ease of macrophages to recognize and eat it
- Interferon --- a glycoprotein which is produced which contains the nucleus of human cells and is released in response to viral infection.
2. adaptation or emerging (acquired) or specific have the ability to recognize a foreign object. specific immune system can work alone to destroy harmful foreign objects, but generally good cooperation established between antibody, complement, phagocytes and macrophages between T cells. specific immune system there are 2 ie; a. Specific humoral immune system b. Specific cellular immune system
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