
Tea and Research In 1962, the World Health Organization (WHO) at the United Nations (UN) report increased cases of tooth decay, diseases of the digestive system and kropos on human bones caused by lack of availability of clean water sources, and due to increased consumption preservatives and sugar. Based on these reports PBBB perform the addition of chlorine and fluorine program on clean water. The program has resulted in big cities that developed countries have clean water technology, but have not touched the people who live in small towns of developing countries. Tea has the potential to meet human needs for chlorine and fluorine. The results showed that tea as an ingredient in addition to drinks, antiseptic properties to maintain a healthy mouth and teeth, throat, keeping the balance of microflora of the digestive system and increases absorption of calcium for bone growth. In the decade of 70's and 80's, the world was rocked by reports of a drastic increase in cases of heart disease and cancer, at 3-5% per year. Many countries allocate huge funds for a study of all cases. Only in the early decades of the 90s, researchers found that tea is a beverage that is very effective carcinogen to reduce the risk of contaminated and inhibits cancer growth. With the discovery of a variety of properties contained in the tea at the end of the decade of the 90s, the United Nations to give aid to 30 countries producing tea for tea promotion programs in order to improve the world tea consumption. In Indonesia, the program is conducted in the city of Surabaya, East Java Province. Type of polyphenols in tea that have been identified and the average content level is 1. Catechin, between: 63-210 mg% 2. Flavanols, between: 14 - 21 mg% 3. Tearubigin, between: 0-28 mg% 4. Other polyphenols between: 266-273 mg% From the results of research conducted by the Research Center for Tea and Quinine (PPTK) Gambung - West Java, Indonesia showed that the content of tea polyphenols in Indonesia which is the active component for the health of ± 1.34 times higher than the tea from other countries Catechin is a major polyphenol compounds in tea at 90% of the total content of polyphenols. The average content of catechins in tea Indonesia ranges from 7.02 to 11.60% bk, whereas in other countries ranged from 5.06 to 7.47 bk Tea contains polyphenols in addition to up to 25-35%, also contains other components that are beneficial to health, among others: metilxantin, amino acids, peptides, karbonhidrat, vitamins (C, E and K), carotenoids, minerals like potassium, magnesium, manganese, fluorine, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, calcium, and metilxantin and other alkaloids. Prevention ability of tea polyphenols a. Anti oxidants - Prevents the formation of radicals (free) oxygen in the body - Protects fat in the blood plasama - Protecting the damage the oil and fat meal, can be used as natural dyes b. Anti radiation c. Anti mutation gene d. Anti-tumor - Pressing tumor cell growth - tumor forms processing Pressing - Pressing breast cancer that grows spontaneously e. Inhibit the enzyme activity: some enzymes that proved to be inhibited are: - Enzyme angiotensin I - amylase, and maltase Sukrase - glucosy I transferase enzyme in the mutant streptococcus - Enzyme boosters HIV - The enzyme tyrosinase f. Anti increased cholesterol g. Anti increased blood pressure h. Anti increase in blood sugar levels i. Anti-scab j. Anti-bacteria - pathogenic bacteria in food - Bacteria fitopatogen plants - cariogenic bacteria - Neutralize bacterial toxins k. Anti-virus - Virus mosaic tobacco plants - influenza virus - the human papilloma virus l. Deodorant (deodorizing) - Trimethy amine - Methy mercaptan - Formaldehyade - Busier weak pest animal groups

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dangers of coffee

Including coffee drinks favored by men and women. Drinks supposedly can reduce drowsiness is very common in Indonesian society. In fact, coffee outlets are mushrooming in different corners of the city, until at the mall.

Caffeine works in the body to take over the adenosine receptors in the nerve cells that will spur the production of adrenal hormones.
In the coffee contained caffeine, which is an alkaloid chemical compound known as trimetilsantin with the molecular formula C8H10N4O2. Total content of caffeine in coffee is 1 to 1.5%, while the tea from 1 to 4.8%.
Coffee Benefits In the world of medicine, caffeine is often used as a stimulant of the heart and increase the production of urine. In low doses of caffeine can serve as a generator of stamina and pain relievers.

Mechanism of action of caffeine in the body is to compete with adenosine function (one of the compounds in brain cells can make people fall asleep faster.)
Where is that caffeine does not slow movement of the body's cells, but the caffeine would reverse all of adenosine so that the body no longer sleepy, but emerged feeling fresh, a little excited, eyes wide open, the heart beat faster, blood pressure rises, muscles contract and liver will release glucose into the blood stream which will form the extra energy.
That is why various types of plant stamina drinks generally contain caffeine as its main ingredient.
Coffee Dangers In addition to health benefits turned out to coffee also has disadvantages. One is the effect of dependence.
Drinking coffee was an increased risk of stroke. A study published in the journal of neurology, neurosurgry and Psychiatry in 2002 concluded that drinking more than 5 cups of coffee per day increases the risk of damage to the blood vessel wall.

Caffeine can also cause insomnia, nervous, headache, feeling tense and irritable.
In pregnant women are also advised not to consume coffee and foods containing caffeine. This is because caffeine can increase heart rate. In the fetus can attack the placenta and enter the fetal blood circulation. The worst impact, can cause miscarriage.

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Imune System

immune system is a system of biological protection of outside influence by special cells and organs in an organism. ika's immune system is working properly, this system will protect the body against bacterial and viral infections, as well as destroying cancer cells and other foreign substances in the body. If the immune system weakens, its ability to protect the body also decreases, thus causing pathogens, including viruses that cause colds and flu, can develop in the body. The immune system also provides oversight of tumor cells, and inhibition of this system has also been reported to increase the risk of some cancers. immune system function: 1. It protects the body from disease-causing invasion;? destroy & eliminate microorganisms? or a foreign substance (bacteria, parasites, fungi, and? virus, and tumors) that enters the body 2. Removes dead tissue or cells or damaged? for tissue repair.? 3. Recognize and eliminate abnormal cells The main target: bacterial and viral pathogens Leukocytes are the main immune cells (in addition to plasma cells, macrophages, and mast cells) Immune Response Stage: 1. Detect & identify foreign objects 2. Communication with other cells to respond 3. Recruitment assistance and coordination of response 4. Penginvasi destruction or suppression? Defence is the body 2, namely: 1. Non-specific, natural or already in the body (carriage) is the leading body's defense against microorganisms called nonspecific because it is not directed against specific microorganisms include: a. Physical defense: skin, mucous membranes, respiratory cilia b. chemical defense; material secreted airway mucosa, sebaceous glands of skin, kel skin, ears, HCL acid in gastric fluid, lysozyme released by the macrophages to destroy germs grams - with the help of complement, sweat, saliva, tears and breast milk (Against bacteria gram +) c. humoral defense - Complement and help activate the phagocyte destructive bacteria and parasites (destroy the cell membranes of bacteria, kemotaktik factor that directs macrophages to the bacteria, bound bacteria on the surface of the ease of macrophages to recognize and eat it
- Interferon --- a glycoprotein which is produced which contains the nucleus of human cells and is released in response to viral infection.
2. adaptation or emerging (acquired) or specific have the ability to recognize a foreign object. specific immune system can work alone to destroy harmful foreign objects, but generally good cooperation established between antibody, complement, phagocytes and macrophages between T cells. specific immune system there are 2 ie; a. Specific humoral immune system b. Specific cellular immune system
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