Good Bathroom tips

Bathing can be done anywhere and anytime, of course if and only if there is water. Common in rivers, ponds, fountains, even the sea and air. A good bath is a shower in the bathroom, not in the bedroom, let alone the guest room. And must be wet, because without a wet bath is like drinking coffee without the coffee. If you take a bath then neglect of duty can be very dangerous. The people around you can run, even fortune and others can also come away from you.
So congratulations read the troubleshooting tips are good and wet bath below.(read more)

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How to Keep Ideal Body Weight

anyway surely a lot about food tasty and delicious food that we think and you'll be tempted by these foods so that eating and do not pay attention to your weight, but for those who still want to keep eating but still want to keep your weight there are a few tips from satya Sembiring, the following tips:
1. Avoid dinner tonight, if you still eat well and try to reduce the portions of three hours before bedtime.
2. chewing food longer, so you will feel full sooner than normal.
3. eat foods that do not contain lots of fat
4. please eat your favorite foods but gradually reduce the portion of every meal you eat.
5. usahkan you walk at least as far as 400 meters a day may also be replaced with a treadmill.
6. try [push ups and sit ups time and time waking up going to bed at night or early in each 20 times and added each day until you are able 1oo times per set]
7. consume less food that contains high sugar content
8. if you're hungry, eat a little rice and kenyangkan by eating vegetables or fruit.
9. if you terbangung night of sleep and feel hungry you should drink mineral water or eat an apple or banana one.
10. for office workers can use a chair that can beputar and was sitting in an upright position and turn your body into left and right, put his hand on the handle position of chair and satulagi one straight up. or by placing both hands in front of the chest and turn the body is to the left to right, replace the first of rotation round the position of the stomach to the legs, both from the stomach into the chest. do at least 1o minutes every day at the office.
11. absolute reliance on the wall upside down, legs up and tilt the foot positions ranging from 30 degrees to 80 do then hold for 1 minute each. repeat for 15 minutes then the weight would be reduced. Hopefully helpful and useful

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How to Cope with Early Cancer

Is Cancer That? Cancer is a disease caused by the growth of cells that are abnormal and uncontrolled, which generally form a lump. Cancer cells can spread through the bloodstream or lymph system to other parts of the body is called metastasis. The types of cancer are: gastrointestinal cancer, stomach, pancreas, colon, rectum, throat / esophagus, breast, skin, prostate, ovary, cervix, endometrium, liver, lung and bladder cancer.
What Causes Cancer? Cancer occurs because of gene mutations (changes in genes) that is triggered by the presence of foreign substances that are carcinogenic (cancer originator) and into our bodies. The materials are carcinogens, among others:

1. Chemical compounds containing oxidants, such as cigarette smoke, tar, smoke, motor vehicles, food preservatives, MSG, arsenic, charcoal, saccharin, asbestos, and oral contraceptives.
2. Physical factors such as solar radiation, x-rays, nuclear, and radionukleid.
3. Viruses.
4. Chronic irritation and inflammation.
5. Genetic weakness of body cells.
How to Overcome Cancer Early? The best step is supposed to do is to manage a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet, including:

1. Stopping smoking.
2. Stopping alcohol consumption.
3. Exercise regularly.
4. Managing stress well.
5. Eating fruits and vegetables fresh.
6. Avoid eating too many high fat foods.
7. Avoiding the consumption of foods that burn too much.
8. Consuming antioxidants, for example by consuming vitamin C is good quality.

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Apparently a lot of goodness and health benefits of bananas. There are 8 properties of bananas for your body. Are all? Starting from the help lower blood pressure, to keep blood sugar levels. Certainly, consumption and do not overlook the banana. This is ...
1. Bananas are good source of potassium, because 100 grams of bananas containing 400 grams of potassium. Just a reminder, potassium is a nutrient that can help lower blood pressure, energy supply, helps muscle growth and prevent muscle cramps.
2. Eight amino acids-molecules that form the protein contained a banana. It takes the body, because the body can not produce it.
3. Twenty-three million bananas consumed by the male and female tennis player in the Wimbledon tennis tournament every year. Understandably, it has a high energy source.
4. Diarrhea can be cured only by mangkonsumsi bananas have brown spots on her skin. For, no pectin, potassium and magnesium it contains.
5. Banana able to recover stamina, because bananas replace potassium lost from the body. Also bananas are also able to relieve pain, reduce nausea, and reduce the high levels of magnesium, which helps relieve headaches and blood circulation melancarakan.
6. Banana skin has more benefits in the tropics, should Indonesia. Itching and swelling mosquito bite can be removed by simply rubbing the skin.
7. Two bananas a day can reduce the high pressure up to 10 percent. That's according to a study of doctors in India.
8. Bananas contain three sugars: fructose, sucrose, glucose and have more carbohydrates as well as well as important compared to other fruit. Sugar entering the stream flow direction with different speeds that can keep sugar levels and avoiding energy crashes.

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Negative consequences of smoking, in fact had begun at the time a new person started smoking. In a smoldering cigarette smoke because it sucked, tobacco burned less than perfect so as to produce CO (carbon mono-oxide), which in addition to its own smoke, tar and nikotine (which occurs also from the burning of tobacco) is inhaled into the airway.
CO., Tar, and Nicotine affects the nerve that causes: - Nervousness, shaky hands (tremor) - Taste / decreased appetite - Pregnant mothers who like to smoke to the possibility of miscarriage abortion
Tar and Smoke Tar and cigarette smoke stimulates airway, and the tar is buried canals that lead to: - Cough-cough or shortness of breath - Tar attached to the airway can cause airway cancer,
tongue or lips
Nicotine Nicotine stimulates the rise of adrenal hormones which causes the kidneys of children: - Heart palpitations - Increases blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood,
pliers closely with the occurrence of heart attack
Gas CO (Carbon Mono Oxide) CO gas was also negatively affect the airway of blood vessels. Carbon mono oxide is more easily bound to hemoglobin than oxygen Therefore, the blood of people who possessed a lot of CO, will be reduced for power transports oxygen and people can die of carbon mono-oxide poisoning. In a smoker is not going to happen CO poisoning, but the effect of CO is inhaled by the smoker with little by little, slowly but surely would negatively impact on the airway and the blood vessels.

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This Blog Consist all of about general health...
tha'ts bout public health and disease wich tread on many people....

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