Discussed yesterday regarding the balance of his body is less because of the influence of age and the influence pemakainan organs that are not balanced, lift the right-hand goods continues or use the left and hold. The effect of this age, associated with a decrease of the cerebellum and the use of organs that are not related to the use of caloric balance on one side of the body.
Usually people with less or minimal balance the body will quickly get tired especially in the shoulder area, ride a bike fast crumbling, easy to fall because the body weight, body fulcrum is at one point slah body. In addition, the calories in the body that should burn, not burn completely like the person who has a balance of body, so it's easier to be fat.
How to check if the balance of our body is good or not, try standing up straight, lift leg plainly right or left, then right hand and left hand raised laterally raised straight up, then flick tanganke opposite direction so that its position into a straight right hand and left hand became next. For at least 20 years of age can be 5 times with seamless hand-driven to equilibrium.
Actually, body balance is very dependent with little brain work, if a small brain works well, the burning of calories that are not balanced can be controlled. Now for the small brains working well there is a way, want to know, here's how:
1. Raise your right hand in the open position straight ahead until your fingers in front of the eyes, then close your eyes, then touch one on one finger with the index finger left hand, do bolek behind. Do it for the left hand as well.
2. Save 100 yen coins, 1 piece of the little finger and ring fingers, 1 fruit between the ring finger and middle finger and 1 fruit again between middle finger and index finger. location of the coin rather near the nail. Lalukan in a vertical position and then slowly move your palms into a horizontal position, vertical and horizontal again and again. Do it for both hands.
3. Standing with thick books are stored above the head, and the position of one foot to the rear. Do untu the other foot
body balance
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that has the characteristics of low bone mass, accompanied by micro-architecture of bone and decrease the quality of bone tissue that can eventually lead to bone fragility.
Postmenopausal osteoporosis occurs because of lack of estrogen (the main hormone in women), who helped organize the transport of calcium into bone in women. Usually the symptoms occur in women aged between 51-75 years, but could start to appear faster or slower. Not all women have the same risk to suffer from osteoporosis postmenopausal, white women and eastern regions suffering from the disease more easily than black women.
Senile osteoporosis may be a result of calcium deficiency associated with age and the imbalance between the rate of bone destruction and new bone formation. Senilis means that this situation only occurs in the elderly. This disease usually occurs in over 70 years of age and 2 times more likely to strike women. Women often suffer from senile and postmenopausal osteoporosis.(read more)
Jogging Tips To Get Benefits best!
Jogging is a little exercise is helpful, but if you do not do it properly, then the risk of injury will always haunt you. So, what needs to be considered in making this a great cardio exercise that you can get optimum benefit? Find tips on the following article!
Proper Footwear When you light exercise such as running or jogging, the most important things you should consider is footwear. Make sure you wear shoes and athletic socks. Ideally, use running shoes that fit, fit, and conveniently installed on your feet, and replace your shoes when it is damaged. Try to find the best shoe for you. Risk that is common as running and jogging if you are not wearing proper shoes are sprains, knee injuries, and abrasions. So when jogging, make sure your shoes are installed correctly.
Notice Track Jogging With Both Make sure you pay attention to routes and jogging track conditions to avoid tripping and other injuries. Stay away from steep climbs, rocky surface, or who have a lot of obstacles such as vehicles and other traffic.
Walk the route with a challenging terrain indeed is something that is exciting, but you'll only hurt yourself if you are not skilled at it. When you are jogging or running on hilly terrain, knee joints leg and foot get tremendous pressure, therefore, you should start this activity by running a flat terrain and then add the weight of pressure on your workout.
Heating And Stretching When running or jogging, for the first heating, warm up and do it with ease. Do not run full speed, do not stop suddenly. When will stop, reduce speed gradually, then you stop. Start slowly, and end too slowly for your muscles are not shocked. Stretch muscles to cool a hot body condition. Jogging is easy and inexpensive sport that anyone can do. Provided implemented properly, it will give good results for health. If you do not have time amid bustle, try when it will do before the end of your activity and time spent running a few minutes on pavements! Start these good habits of small things to get great benefits!